Podcast #4 "Parenting the Highly Sensitive Child"
Episode: "Parenting the Highly Sensitive Child" (published 4/1/16)
Runtime: 24 minutes
Genre: Health
I really enjoyed this podcast. I'm an introvert so most of the things that they were talking about really connected with me. I understood how it works and why that can affect you because I myself have gone through it. It is interesting that introverts are just as smart and sometimes even smarter than other people; they just don't know how to express it. Now, smart might not just be intellectual, it may also be creative because they're more sensitive. They are more emotionally sensitive and involved. I really connected with this because sometimes I am sensitive about emotions and a lot more emotionally connected than most of my friends and my family. I also found it interesting how introverts in the right environment can thrive, but also in the wrong environment they can crumble. This just shows that they need more specific environments; they're kind of like specialized species in that way. It was also really reassuring that other people experienced his problem. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who experiences this and it was nice to know that I'm not the only one. Those are really cool learning that there have been scientific experiments done about introverts. I mean that was just cool to me. Overall I would give this podcast a 4 out of 5 just because of how much it connected to the problems that I've encountered in my life.
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